Logistics Movers is a removal and freight forwarding company which specializes in Local, national and International removal, freight and storage facilities. We provide excellent, professional and safest means of movement from one location to another. Hence relocation of your office, home etc. To another location can be best done by experts-Logistics Movers. |
Our Membership Of Association |
The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport |
Global Freight Group |
Ghana Institute of Freight Forwarders |
Moving can be such a hassle |
BUT, it's not so with |
Logistics Movers ! |
We offer competitively affordable rates on all your moving needs, friendly customer-service and professional moving services. |
It involves a three-step process: |
Organize your belongings, deciding what you want to move and what will go. |
Once organized, you must pack up your personal property for transport. |
Pack it up! Boxes, tape, and labels will get everything in order for your move. Once you have the necessary supplies, start packing! |
Prior to any move, a Pre-move Survey allows us to prepare the technical aspects of your move.
The moving operation is the combination of different skills totally mastered by our team. We are therefore in the best position to offer you expert advice at every step of the moving process. |
Moving to a new place, a new job, or a new home can be the fulfillment of a dream, but once the reality sets in of where, when, and how it will all happen, you may want to crawl back under the covers. However, with proper planning and preparation, moving can be an enjoyable experience, merging your dreams with a reality that's not so painful. |